拓扑事件检查器提供了在storm拓扑的不同阶段时查看元组的功能。 这可以用于在拓扑运行时检查在拓扑管线中的a spout(喷口)或a bolt(螺栓)处发射的元组,而不用停止或重新部署拓扑。从the spouts(喷口)到the bolts(螺栓)元组的正常流动是不受找开事件记录的影响。
注意:首先事件日志记录需要将storm的"topolopy.eventlogger.executors"参数设置成非零的值。 详情请查询 Configuration 章节内容。
您还可以通过转到相应的组件页面来启用特定(spout)喷口或(bolt)螺栓级别的事件记录和 单击组件操作下的“调试”。
Storm "logviewer" 应该运行查看已记录的元组。如果没有运行,则可以从Storm安装目录运行“bin/storm logviewer” 命令启动日志查看器。要查看元组,请从Storm UI中访问特定的spout(喷口)或bolt(螺栓)组件页面,然后单击组件摘要下的“事件”链接(如上图2所示)。
Timestamp, Component name, Component task-id, MessageId (in case of anchoring), List of emitted values
可以通过在Storm UI中的拓扑或组件操作下单击“停止调试”,在特定组件或拓扑级别上禁用事件日志。
Parameter | Meaning |
"topology.eventlogger.executors": 0 | No event logger tasks are created (default). |
"topology.eventlogger.executors": 1 | One event logger task for the topology. |
"topology.eventlogger.executors": nil | One event logger task per worker. |
* EventLogger interface for logging the event info to a sink like log file or db
* for inspecting the events via UI for debugging.
public interface IEventLogger {
* Invoked during eventlogger bolt prepare.
void prepare(Map stormConf, TopologyContext context);
* Invoked when the {@link EventLoggerBolt} receives a tuple from the spouts or bolts that has event logging enabled.
* @param e the event
void log(EventInfo e);
* Invoked when the event logger bolt is cleaned up
void close();