A Python implementation of 30-seconds-of-code.
Note:- This is in no way affiliated with the original 30-seconds-of-code.
If you've come here from javascript land then you should be aware that this project uses python 3
, therefore not all snippets will work as expected in every python interpreter or on system. You'll need to check your python version with the command python -v
. If you need help installing the latest stable release of python 3 on your system checkout docs.python.org if you run into trouble make sure you research stackoverflow. Eventually it might be worth looking into how to set up a virtual environment for python projects with virtualenv or even a tool like anaconda.
This project contains plenty of useful snippets which can help beginners and newcomers quickly ramp-up on grasping python 3's syntax.
Author:- Shobhit Sachan
Contributors:- Shobhit Sachan
Bubble_sort uses the technique of comparing and swapping
def bubble_sort(lst):
for passnum in range(len(lst) - 1, 0, -1):
for i in range(passnum):
if lst[i] > lst[i + 1]:
temp = lst[i]
lst[i] = lst[i + 1]
lst[i + 1] = temp
lst = [54,26,93,17,77,31,44,55,20]
print("sorted %s" %lst) # [17,20,26,31,44,54,55,77,91]
Author:- Rohit Tanwar
Contributors:-Rohit Tanwar
Chunks an list into smaller lists of a specified size.
Uses range
to create a list of desired size. Then use map
on this list and fill it with splices of lst
from math import ceil
def chunk(lst, size):
return list(
map(lambda x: lst[x * size:x * size + size],
list(range(0, ceil(len(lst) / size)))))
chunk([1,2,3,4,5],2) # [[1,2],[3,4],5]
Author:- Rohit Tanwar
Contributors:-Rohit Tanwar
Removes falsey values from a list.
Use filter()
to filter out falsey values (False, None, 0, and "").
def compact(lst):
return list(filter(bool, lst))
compact([0, 1, False, 2, '', 3, 'a', 's', 34]) # [ 1, 2, 3, 'a', 's', 34 ]
Author:- Rohit Tanwar
Contributors:-Rohit Tanwar
Already implemented via
Groups the elements of a list based on the given function and returns the count of elements in each group.
Use map()
to map the values of the list using the given function. Iterate over the map and increase the the elements count each time it occurs.
def count_by(arr, fn=lambda x: x):
key = {}
for el in map(fn, arr):
key[el] = 0 if el not in key else key[el]
key[el] += 1
return key
from math import floor
count_by([6.1, 4.2, 6.3], floor) # {4: 1, 6: 2}
count_by(['one', 'two', 'three'], len) # {3: 2, 5: 1}
Author:- Rohit Tanwar
Contributors:-Rohit Tanwar, Hui Binyuan
Already implemented via
Counts the occurrences of a value in an list.
Uses the list comprehension to increment a counter each time you encounter the specific value inside the list.
def count_occurrences(lst, val):
return len([x for x in lst if x == val and type(x) == type(val)])
count_occurrences([1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3], 1) # 3
Author:- Rohit Tanwar
Contributors:-Rohit Tanwar, Meet Zaveri
Deep flattens a list.
Use recursion. Use list.extend()
with an empty list (result
) and the spread function to flatten a list. Recursively flatten each element that is a list.
def spread(arg):
ret = []
for i in arg:
if isinstance(i, list):
return ret
def deep_flatten(lst):
result = []
spread(list(map(lambda x: deep_flatten(x) if type(x) == list else x, lst))))
return result
deep_flatten([1, [2], [[3], 4], 5]) # [1,2,3,4,5]
Author:- Rohit Tanwar
Contributors:-Rohit Tanwar
Returns the difference between two iterables.
Use list comprehension to only keep values not contained in b
def difference(a, b):
return [item for item in a if item not in b]
difference([1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 4]) # [3]
Author:- Rohit Tanwar
Contributors:-Rohit Tanwar
Returns the difference between two list, after applying the provided function to each list element of both.
Create a set
by applying fn
to each element in b
, then use list comprehension in combination with fn on a to only keep values not contained in the previously created set
def difference_by(a, b, fn):
b = set(map(fn, b))
return [item for item in a if fn(item) not in b]
from math import floor
difference_by([2.1, 1.2], [2.3, 3.4],floor) # [1.2]
difference_by([{ 'x': 2 }, { 'x': 1 }], [{ 'x': 1 }], lambda v : v['x']) # [ { x: 2 } ]
Author:- Rob-Rychs
Contributors:- Rob-Rychs
Checks a flat list for duplicate values. Returns True if duplicate values exist and False if values are all unique.
This function compares the length of the list with length of the set() of the list. set() removes duplicate values from the list.
def has_duplicates(lst):
return len(lst) != len(set(lst))
x = [1,2,3,4,5,5]
y = [1,2,3,4,5]
has_duplicates(x) # True
has_duplicates(y) # False
Author:- Meet Zaveri
Contributors:-Meet Zaveri, Rohit Tanwar
On a very basic level, an insertion sort algorithm contains the logic of shifting around and inserting elements in order to sort an unordered list of any size. The way that it goes about inserting elements, however, is what makes insertion sort so very interesting!
def insertion_sort(lst):
for i in range(1, len(lst)):
key = lst[i]
j = i - 1
while j >= 0 and key < lst[j]:
lst[j + 1] = lst[j]
j -= 1
lst[j + 1] = key
lst = [7,4,9,2,6,3]
print('Sorted %s' %lst) # sorted [2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9]
Author:- Rohit Tanwar
Contributors:-Rohit Tanwar
The same algorithm is already implemented via
Randomizes the order of the values of an list, returning a new list.
Uses the Fisher-Yates algorithm to reorder the elements of the list.
from copy import deepcopy
from random import randint
def shuffle(lst):
temp_lst = deepcopy(lst)
m = len(temp_lst)
while (m):
m -= 1
i = randint(0, m)
temp_lst[m], temp_lst[i] = temp_lst[i], temp_lst[m]
return temp_lst
foo = [1,2,3]
shuffle(foo) # [2,3,1] , foo = [1,2,3]
Author:- Rohit Tanwar
Contributors:-Rohit Tanwar
Implements javascript's [].concat(...arr)
. Flattens the list(non-deep) and returns an list.
def spread(arg):
ret = []
for i in arg:
if isinstance(i, list):
return ret
spread([1,2,3,[4,5,6],[7],8,9]) # [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
Author:- Rohit Tanwar
Contributors:-Rohit Tanwar
Already implemented via
Creates a list of elements, grouped based on the position in the original lists.
Use max
combined with list comprehension
to get the length of the longest list in the arguments. Loops for max_length
times grouping elements. If lengths of lists
vary fill_value
is used. By default fill_value
is None
def zip(*args, fillvalue=None):
max_length = max([len(lst) for lst in args])
result = []
for i in range(max_length):
args[k][i] if i < len(args[k]) else None for k in range(len(args))
return result
zip(['a', 'b'], [1, 2], [True, False]) # [['a', 1, True], ['b', 2, False]]
zip(['a'], [1, 2], [True, False]) # [['a', 1, True], [None, 2, False]]
zip(['a'], [1, 2], [True, False], fill_value = '_') # [['a', 1, True], ['_', 2, False]]
Author:- Rohit Tanwar
Contributors:-Rohit Tanwar, Hui Binyuan
Already implemented via
. statistics.mean
takes an array as an argument whereas this function takes variadic arguments.
Returns the average of two or more numbers.
Takes the sum of all the args
and divides it by len(args)
. The second argument 0.0
in sum is to handle floating point division in python3
def average(*args):
return sum(args, 0.0) / len(args)
average(*[1, 2, 3]) # 2.0
average(1, 2, 3) # 2.0
Author:- Rohit Tanwar
Contributors:-Rohit Tanwar
Calculates the factorial of a number.
Use recursion. If num
is less than or equal to 1
, return 1
. Otherwise, return the product of num
and the factorial of num - 1
. Throws an exception if num
is a negative or a floating point number.
def factorial(num):
if not ((num >= 0) & (num % 1 == 0)):
raise Exception(
f"Number( {num} ) can't be floating point or negative ")
return 1 if num == 0 else num * factorial(num - 1)
factorial(6) # 720
Author:- Rohit Tanwar
Contributors:-Rohit Tanwar, cclauss
works with only two numbers
Calculates the greatest common divisor between two or more numbers/lists.
The helperGcdfunction
uses recursion. Base case is when y
equals 0
. In this case, return x
. Otherwise, return the GCD of y
and the remainder of the division x/y
Uses the reduce function from the inbuilt module functools
. Also defines a method spread
for javascript like spreading of lists.
from functools import reduce
def spread(arg):
ret = []
for i in arg:
if isinstance(i, list):
return ret
def gcd(*args):
numbers = []
def _gcd(x, y):
return x if not y else gcd(y, x % y)
return reduce((lambda x, y: _gcd(x, y)), numbers)
gcd(8,36) # 4
Author:- Rohit Tanwar
Contributors:-Rohit Tanwar
Returns the least common multiple of two or more numbers.
Use the greatest common divisor (GCD)
formula and the fact that lcm(x,y) = x * y / gcd(x,y)
to determine the least common multiple. The GCD formula uses recursion.
Uses reduce
function from the inbuilt module functools
. Also defines a method spread
for javascript like spreading of lists.
from functools import reduce
def spread(arg):
ret = []
for i in arg:
if isinstance(i, list):
return ret
def lcm(*args):
numbers = []
def _gcd(x, y):
return x if not y else _gcd(y, x % y)
def _lcm(x, y):
return x * y / _gcd(x, y)
return reduce((lambda x, y: _lcm(x, y)), numbers)
lcm(12, 7) # 84
lcm([1, 3, 4], 5) # 60
Author:- Rohit Tanwar
Contributors:-Rohit Tanwar
Returns the n
maximum elements from the provided list. If n
is greater than or equal to the provided list's length, then return the original list(sorted in descending order).
Use list.sort()
combined with the deepcopy
function from the inbuilt copy
module to create a shallow clone of the list and sort it in ascending order and then use list.reverse()
reverse it to make it descending order. Use [:n]
to get the specified number of elements. Omit the second argument, n
, to get a one-element list
def max_n(lst, n=1, reverse=True):
return sorted(lst, reverse=reverse)[:n]
max_n([1, 2, 3]) # [3]
max_n([1, 2, 3], 2) # [3,2]
Author:- Rohit Tanwar
Contributors:-Rohit Tanwar
Returns the n
minimum elements from the provided list. If n
is greater than or equal to the provided list's length, then return the original list(sorted in ascending order).
Use list.sort()
combined with the deepcopy
function from the inbuilt copy
module to create a shallow clone of the list and sort it in ascending order. Use [:n]
to get the specified number of elements. Omit the second argument, n
, to get a one-element list
from copy import deepcopy
def min_n(lst, n=1):
numbers = deepcopy(lst)
return numbers[:n]
min_n([1, 2, 3]) # [1]
min_n([1, 2, 3], 2) # [1,2]
Author:- Rob-Rychs
Contributors:- Rob-Rychs
Checks a flat list for all unique values. Returns True if list values are all unique and False if list values aren't all unique.
This function compares the length of the list with length of the set() of the list. set() removes duplicate values from the list.
def all_unique(lst):
return len(lst) == len(set(lst))
x = [1,2,3,4,5,6]
y = [1,2,2,3,4,5]
all_unique(x) # True
all_unique(y) # False
Author:- Rob-Rychs
Contributors:- Rob-Rychs
Function which accepts a dictionary of key value pairs and returns a new flat list of only the keys.
Uses the .items() function with a for loop on the dictionary to track both the key and value and returns a new list by appending the keys to it. Best used on 1 level-deep key:value pair dictionaries (a flat dictionary) and not nested data-structures which are also commonly used with dictionaries. (a flat dictionary resembles a json and a flat list an array for javascript people).
def keys_only(flat_dict):
lst = []
for k, v in flat_dict.items():
return lst
ages = {
"Peter": 10,
"Isabel": 11,
"Anna": 9,
keys_only(ages) # ['Peter', 'Isabel', 'Anna']
Author:- Rob-Rychs
Contributors:- Rob-Rychs
Function which accepts a dictionary of key value pairs and returns a new flat list of only the values.
Uses the .items() function with a for loop on the dictionary to track both the key and value of the iteration and returns a new list by appending the values to it. Best used on 1 level-deep key:value pair dictionaries and not nested data-structures.
def values_only(dict):
lst = []
for k, v in dict.items():
return lst
ages = {
"Peter": 10,
"Isabel": 11,
"Anna": 9,
values_only(ages) # [10, 11, 9]
Author:- Rohit Tanwar
Contributors:-Rohit Tanwar
Returns the length of a string in bytes.
encodes a given string and find its length.
def byte_size(string):
byte_size('😀') # 4
byte_size('Hello World') # 11
Author:- Rohit Tanwar
Contributors:-Rohit Tanwar
Capitalizes the first letter of a string.
Capitalizes the fist letter of the sring and then adds it with rest of the string. Omit the lower_rest
parameter to keep the rest of the string intact, or set it to true
to convert to lowercase.
def capitalize(string, lower_rest=False):
return string[:1].upper() + (string[1:].lower() if lower_rest else string[1:])
capitalize('fooBar') # 'FooBar'
capitalize('fooBar', True) # 'Foobar'
Author:- Rohit Tanwar
Contributors:-Rohit Tanwar
Capitalizes the first letter of every word in a string.
Uses str.title
to capitalize first letter of evry word in the string.
def capitalize_every_word(string):
return string.title()
capitalize_every_word('hello world!') # 'Hello World!'
Author:- Rohit Tanwar
Contributors:-Rohit Tanwar
Retuns number
of vowels in provided string
Use a regular expression to count the number of vowels (A, E, I, O, U)
in a string.
import re
def count_vowels(str):
return len(len(re.findall(r'[aeiou]', str, re.IGNORECASE)))
count_vowels('foobar') # 3
count_vowels('gym') # 0
Author:- Rohit Tanwar
Contributors:-Rohit Tanwar
Decapitalizes the first letter of a string.
Decapitalizes the fist letter of the sring and then adds it with rest of the string. Omit the upper_rest
parameter to keep the rest of the string intact, or set it to true
to convert to uppercase.
def decapitalize(string, upper_rest=False):
return str[:1].lower() + (str[1:].upper() if upper_rest else str[1:])
decapitalize('FooBar') # 'fooBar'
decapitalize('FooBar', True) # 'fOOBAR'
Author:- Rohit Tanwar
Contributors:-Rohit Tanwar
Checks if a string is lower case.
Convert the given string to lower case, using str.lower()
method and compare it to the original.
def is_lower_case(string):
return string == string.lower()
is_lower_case('abc') # True
is_lower_case('a3@$') # True
is_lower_case('Ab4') # False
Author:- Rohit Tanwar
Contributors:-Rohit Tanwar
Checks if a string is upper case.
Convert the given string to upper case, using str.upper()
method and compare it to the original.
def is_upper_case(string):
return string == string.upper()
is_upper_case('ABC') # True
is_upper_case('a3@$') # True
is_upper_case('aB4') # False
Author:- Rohit Tanwar
Contributors:-Rohit Tanwar
Returns True
if the given string is a palindrome, False
Convert string str.lower()
and use re.sub
to remove non-alphanumeric characters from it. Then compare the new string to the reversed.
def palindrome(string):
from re import sub
s = sub('[W_]', '', string.lower())
return s == s[::-1]
palindrome('taco cat') # True
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